How to Disable the Send an error report to Microsoft

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
In Windows XP and Windows server 2003, when any computer application crashes, you may get a message “send error report to Microsoft”. This windows characteristic may be useful if you are using windows registered version or you have installed Microsoft recommended software’s on your computer, otherwise a simple error message disturbing you, nothing else. This error message close the document; you were working on when the application crashed. You can disable or enable this feature in windows XP.

Follow the steps To disable the Error reporting feature

* First Right click on My Computer and select Properties option then go to advanced tab.
* Here at bottom click on the button name “Error Reporting”.
* Select the item name “Disable error reporting”. But it is good think to leave a tick in the check box “But notify me when critical errors occur”. Click “OK” to exit the “Error Reporting” window and then click “OK” again to exit System Properties.

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