Windows Support Tools for Vista

Friday, August 12, 2011
Tools for Windows Vista can help administrators and IT professionals improve the functionality and usability of this operating system. These tools can be used to find and resolve computer issues, to access network components and to improve the security of Vista programs. While most of these tools should already be installed on Vista, some tools may have to be downloaded if a user cannot find them on their computer.

Program Compatibility Wizard

If you have an older piece of software installed on your computer, then you may have experienced some issues when you upgraded to Vista. The Program Compatibility Wizard allows users to efficiently run the new program on their Vista Operating System, but only if the program worked on past version of Windows. The application can be accessed from the Start menu, and users will have to type hcp://system/compatctr/compatmode.htm in the Run menu. Then, users will have to follow the instructions to fix the issue. Users can manipulate a variety of settings from the wizard, including administrator rights and display settings. Users may experience an issue running the wizard if the person is not the administrator or if the program is on a shared drive.

Network and Sharing Center

This tool allows people to gain access to the Windows Operating System networking components, and these can be used to diagnose, view or manipulate the settings on the user's wireless and standard network access. Here, users can see all the information about their network and see summaries of all the information on their networks. Further, users can figure out whether or not they can successfully access the Internet from their system.

Computer Management

This tool can be accessed from the Start Menu and used to see event logs, system information and the Device Manager. Plus, it can be used to manage disk volumes either on local or remote networks, and users can even run the defragment tool from the Computer Management, which is used to consolidate space and free up memory.

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